Digimon: DNA Tamer
|| Guide to Mirai || RPG
Board || DNA Tamer
Soundtrack || WinAmp
Skins || Wallpapers ||
- » 11/09/04
-- Changed the Banner; Finally; to match the board's. Really.... not much
else. >_> No one's made any new DDT Wallpapers or any new
Skins. Also there's no updates on the Soundtracks. And still no work,
really, on the Guide to Mirai on the GM or Admins' parts. ^^;
Pretty.... eh.... 'Boring' update, yes? ^^;
» 04/14/04
--Finally got around to getting the new counter code. Yes, I'm lazy. I also
found the actual URL!!! Took me two years. ^^; And... moved
everything to the main part of the site. Since the thing I had here was
kinda... non-functional. ¬_¬;
» 04/17/04
-- I updated the links on the
board, and I also went through and updated links here. the song, "hiten"
now takes you to my host so you can get it since FC doesn't allow MP3 files
nor big files. (A MP3 zipped is still huge in size.) Yes, I realized
that the "soundtracks" link wasn't working. It is now. ^^
» 02/16/04
--Removed the Tamer and Civilian links from here by request of the GM. They
are difficult to keep up with and any information needed can be found in the
Databases on the board.
--Map of Mirai coming shortly...
» 12/18/03
--Removed the Story and Tools links from here as they are now in the
Information Forum on the board itself.
--Soundtracks Update coming soon, but the MP3 files aren't there. Reason for
this is mostly space. If the song can be easily found on the internet
somewhere (such as a quick search on Kazaa or WinMX) it is not found for
download here. The midis, however, are located on the Angelfire site
the page is uploaded to.
--Relinked the Wallpapers.
--Changed the Banner to link to the same image that is the banner currently
on the board. When it changes there, it will change here.
» 04/20/03
-_- Due to idiocy of a flightless arctic bird, things have been moved back
to Fortunecity for now. (Just,
due to the amount of images on the other account, it's under a different one
right now. ^_^;) This
is to get the information BACK up and on the net rather than waiting around
for God knows how long. x_@ I know I sure don't know for how
long... But this takes down the music and wallpapers as I have no where to put them. The
Music Files were not uploaded and thusly have become unlinked for now.
...The Wallpapers I might find a place for sooner than the music.
Multimedia isn't looked upon highly for most sites. -_-;
completed: 02/26/03 - Thank you, Bill, for transcribing the translated
lyrics for Hiten. ^^
»Found the
lyrics for "Get Over" and "Alive A life" via a
Widespread Lyrics Hunt that
took me 3 hours. @_@ ^^;
»Found a Karaoke Version of "Alive A life" via a Kamen Rider
^^; I Also got clearer MP3s...
I added the Lyrics to each. Click the Song Title to get to them.
Tamer Rosters and Civilian Records.
- Actually, the whole site's been 'updated',
but I won't go there...
- First of all, if you've never been
here before, you'd never notice the background change.
Secondly, if you've never been here before, then you're probably a
Newbie. My advice: READ THE STORY! ^^; Also check out the
Information and go to the board to read over the other Tamers' Bios to see
what's most likely accepted and what probably will get the wrath of the GM
and Admins on you in the blink of an eye. You'd also do well to read the
thread marked "Do Not Do This" in Applications. ^_^; You
learn a lot from previous idiots. ^^;